MIYAZAWA Formworks Co., Ltd.|News



I am WAKAI working in general affair department, in charge of recruitment. My job is to provide support and maintain working environment as requirement for each company is changing rapidly now days regarding on work-style reform, harassment prevention, and so on. In order to achieve the tasks, knowledges and qualifications are necessary. And our company supported me to get the qualifications.

・Babysitter qualification
To be able to provide support and help parents working for us when they need to act right away for their child may be an issue. I believe that having supports from a staff who has the qualification and knowledge can be a relief.

・Second class harassment consultant
Each company must set regulations against harassment, and it is necessary to have the qualification to be able to handle situations.

・Second class mental health management
Maintaining physically and mentally healthy working environment requires knowledges and qualification as well as skills.

Having these qualifications make it possible to provide wide rages of service and support to staff working for the company as well as insuring peace of their mind that they can seek support if necessary. I hope that people seeking a job and working with us feel secured knowing they have supports and a hand to reach out to.

My job is to support all staffs working in the company as well as recruiting. However, I had no experience and qualification. I am thankful for the company to hear my voice that I think I can provide better support in wider rages if I can get qualifications and knowledges. The company supported me to get qualifications. Now I still have qualifications I would like to challenge for to improve my service and skills to support the company. I will keep on studying and trying hard to improve my skills and knowledges.

This company listens to each opinion to make things better, and your valuable idea would be supported by the company. If you seek for skill up wanting to help others in the society, we are looking forward to working with you.



  • We are working to sustain a "No harassment working place", setting up a consulting service with a qualified harassment consultant and mental health manager. The staff is permanently stationed to maintain a mentally and physically healthy working environment.


  • MIYAZAWA Formworks is registered as a “MAEBASHI WELLNESS COMPANY”, working on health and productivity management.